Perception of People about Climate Change in Western Nepal


  • Madhab Prasad Baral Ph. D. Scholar, Central Department of Statistics, Tribhuvan University Author


Climate Change, people's perception, policy, vulnerability


People’s perceptions of climate change are known to differ between the various group of different geographical locations and to have fluctuated over time. Climate change will have wide-ranging effects on the environment, socio-economic, and related sectors. Irregularities of precipitation and increased temperature are the most commonly mentioned results of climate change for most of the respondents. Age, sex, educational qualification, yearly income, occupation, the ethnicity of respondents significantly associated with the knowledge about climate change. People’s perceptions of climate change at the local level may play a vital role to identify vulnerability to global climate change and to suggest some solutions for reducing the adverse impacts of climate change. Local people’s perception is based on the climatic events that they faced and the concern about deforestations’ excessive use of fossil fuels, air pollution, and
urbanization. Local people’s perception is very important for the developing countries in which there is no sufficient station about climatic data so their knowledge is useful for policymaking.




How to Cite

Perception of People about Climate Change in Western Nepal. (2019). GMMC Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 8(1), 59-70.