Call for Manuscripts for Volume 13, December 2024


The Research Management Cell of Gupteshwor Mahadev Multiple Campus (GMMC) is pleased to announce a call for manuscripts for the upcoming issue of the GMMC Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. This journal aims to foster the exchange of innovative ideas and research findings across a broad range of academic disciplines. We invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners to submit original research papers, review articles, case studies, and theoretical contributions that address significant issues and developments in the following areas, but not limited to:

  • Social Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Natural Sciences
  • Education
  • Business and Management
  • Technology and Innovation
  • Health Sciences
  • Environmental Studies
  • Cultural Studies

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Manuscript Preparation:

    • Manuscripts should be written in English.
    • All submissions must be original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
    • Manuscripts should follow the APA (7th edition) format for citations and references.
    • The length of the manuscript should be between 5000 to 8000 words, including references.
  2. Online Submission:

    • Authors are required to submit their manuscripts online via our submission portal at 
    • During submission, authors must provide a cover letter, including a brief biography, a statement of originality, and a declaration of any conflicts of interest.
  3. Review Process:

    • All manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer-review process to ensure the quality and relevance of the published research.
    • Authors may be asked to revise their manuscripts based on reviewers’ feedback.
  4. Important Dates:

    • Submission Deadline: 16th September 2024
    • Notification of Acceptance: 15th October 2024
    • Publication Date: 30th December 2024

For more information regarding submission guidelines and the review process, please visit our website or contact the editorial office at

We look forward to your valuable contributions to the GMMC Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies and to advancing scholarly dialogue across diverse fields.

Editorial Board

GMMC Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies

Research Management Cell

Gupteshwor Mahadev Multiple Campus